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Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Poetry Us

Dear Mom

As a “wee babe,”
I was unaware of
Life’s Journey, True Love and the
Pursuit of Happiness.
As an adult with my own–
“wee babe” –Meredith,
I know that:
“With God All Things are Possible,”
Matthew 19:26.
My celebration of Life’s Journey,
True Love, and the
Pursuit of Happiness,
Has been met with trials and tribulations,
And, so has yours.
But, in the end–
I have found that within Life’s Journey,
There are true love and happiness.
One must Aim Sky High,
To reach one’s ultimate goals in life.
I have!!!
And, the end result is astonishing…
I have always known that–
From the day I was born,
’til now,
From my head to my toes,
You will forever love me,
As I do you.
And, as you long for my visit,
Remember this: I will forever love you–
Because we’ve made memories,
Just you and me,
Your daughter
by Deborah Marie Bennett

You Are The Love In My Life

My heart set on my future with you
Loving and caring for only you with all I have
Waiting to be with you everyday
When I dream, I dream of you
When I think, I think of you
When I love, I love only you
You have put love in my life where there was none
Hoping it is for the longest and eternity
My body yearning for your touch
So much to say but no words can compare
to the feelings I have for you
by Amber Willis

Forever & Back

You’re always there,
Even when everyone else is nowhere.
We fight, we whine, we complain
But our friendship remains the same
High school is tough
but with you it?s not so rough.
When at times I seem to get ditched.
You pick me up, though a fit I could pitch.
If I want a true friend,
I could look at you and know you’ll be there till the end
Life sucks when you’re not around.
But when you’re near I’m safe & sound
people change from day to day,
but I can count on you to be the same
Our friendship means the world to me; I hope this is how we’ll always be.
I know we say forever w/o believing it r true,
But if I had to spend it w/one friend, I?d want it to be you.
I think I’ve reached forever
I think it’ll all soon be over,
I hope you live life to the fullest, even if I?m not there.
And I hope you always know I?ll be watching you from somewhere
Now this poem is almost done
I’ve got tears in my eyes w/nowhere to run
I hope someday my picture you’ll see and remember the girl I used to be
by Lakyn Gayman

The Majesty of Our God

Can anyone truly look at a sunset
and say that there is no God.
Or gaze into the heavens on a starry
night and not know that we have been blessed
by the Presence of an Almighty Creator.
And then there are those billowing cloud
formations we lay staring at as a child.
Could this be an act of chance?
Or listen to the melodious tune of a babbling
brook as it sings on its merry journey.
God’s handiwork is all around us and His
signature is on each of His masterpieces.
And the greatest masterpiece He ever
created was YOU and ME!
Because He created us in His Image.
To say that we have tarnished that
image is certainly an understatement.
But just like all His other Masterpieces
we are not complete until He signs His work.
God puts His signature on YOU and ME
the day that WE receive Jesus Christ as
OUR personal Savior and Lord.
by The Prodigal Son

Be my Valentine

I think of you often…I do,
From morning ’til evening I do,
When memories bring laughter
Or moments bring pain,
There is faithfulness, too, once again.
And time always shows me
And God always shows me
Both sunshine and rain,
How, we gain yearly
From the love we’re share dearly.
So, my dear, my sweet bubbaloo,
Remember our love, dulce bubbaloo,
For we’ve come so far and there’s so much to come
And I have love to yet give
For the life we will live…together.
Make little of what makes you cry,
Be sure that what makes you cry
Has greater desire and a more certain will
To pray for His help from above
and restore the feelings of love.
So let’s stir up our passion today,
Let memories give way today,
To the now and the future
For the joys and hopes and for all
The times my heart hears you call.
I’m so glad,
I’m so glad,
I love you
You love me fine
Be my Valentine.

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

How to Come Up with a Good Domain Name for Your Online Business

 by: Javier Daniel
There are times when we have no trouble finding a suitable domain name, but then there are those times when it just makes you crazy. If you want your online business to stand out from the rest, then you should waste absolutely no time in choosing a worthy domain name for your website. Some registrars are more organized than others, and the ones who are not can be quite difficult. You really have to pay attention to what you are doing when dealing with all the things they throw at you. Here in this article we will review the critical items necessary to ensure your next domain name is exactly what you want and need.

There is nothing sweeter than stumbling upon a domain that is short and available. A long time ago everyone and their brother were snapping up all the great - short, domain names. It is pretty much impossible to find a very short domain that is worth something, but if you have the money you can sometimes find the one you want. Generally speaking, people like to stay away from the longer names, but you can sometimes find a good short one in a .org or .net extension. So spend some time on this because your domain name is going to be central to your online business. You never know, after you develop the site you may opt for putting it up for sale, so a better name will command a higher resale value.

You will still have the best experience with dot com extensions, but the org and net choices have been accepted and are no problem to use. These are the popular domain name extensions that are recognized by people and are also liked by the search engines. There are many other domain extensions available in the market, but they don't hold much value in the long run. Even if you intend to sell your domain name in the future, you won't get a good price if your domain extension is not popular.

Most domains, if not all, that have numbers in them tend to not do well. Some people type domains into their browsers, and things like hyphens are really awkward to type. You know how it is when you want to type a domain and it is just a pain to do. It's a risk that's not worth taking, especially when each of your visitor is valuable to your website's success. There really is no need to anguish over finding a good domain name. The more you engage in domain name research, in time you will automatically know how to find a few good ones for yourself.
About The Author
For additional information on best web hosting options, please click web hosting plan website.
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Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

While Planning or Designing a Website wear the Shoes of a Crawl Spider

The World Wide Web is similar to tests of strength knights of yesteryears went through. To taste success a website needs to be more than functional or great looking. It is a complicated business and webmasters are now kept on their toes trying to get higher rankings on search engines.

The secret lies in appealing to search engine spiders and so you need to know in detail how a spider works before you build a site.

• Spiders read text and cannot comprehend images, colours or graphics. So, any page that is design friendly with little or no content it will receive a low rank. Unless, you include in text format information contained in graphic images; submit only URLs of main content pages and not splash pages; include ALT descriptions of all pictures and include keywords that pertain to them.

• Know that the components that attract spiders are: TITLE tags, META tags, Header tags, keywords, and links. Many spiders score entire sites based on the overall scheme.

• Spiders read algorithms and do not take in whole pages. So, be news savvy and like newspapers place the most important information first. Titles, headers, and the introductory paragraphs must present the essentials.

• Keep updated on technical advancements in the way search engines examine materials. Read through guidelines of major search engines, as well as blogs and forum devoted to SEO and spiders.

Once your page is designed think about using a search engine stimulator to evaluate your pages. See: you can add the tool to your website. The report will clarify where you need to make any changes.

A search engine stimulator will also help you determine whether hyperlinks in your pages are "real." Experts recommend using tags instead of java script based menus. Try and limit hyperlinks to less than 100 and check that they do not lead to 403 Forbidden or 404 Page Not Found pages. Spiders do not deal with such errors and your pages will not get indexed.

What any search engine spider does is that is crawls the web and indexes pages in any given database. The spider makes use of algorithms to determine page ranking and relevancy of indexed pages.

Be SEO savvy and select keywords that search engines will find. Tools like Keyword Playground and Website Key Word Suggestions will help greatly. Avoid dynamic pages and if you have them then run them through the spider stimulator to check if dynamic pages are accepted. Get your Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions Right these are the delicacies a spider relishes. They are the cornerstones of page ranking and relevance in the "eyes" of any spider.

When planning a web site and its pages keep in mind at all times " the spider." This will help you develop pages that are search engine friendly.
Author Bio
Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. He also freelances for the premier Web Directory site
Article Source: - Free Website Content

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011


Pencitraan dalam Puisi
Pencitraan dalam Puisi
Oleh : SRI BUDI S.
Ketika membaca puisi, kita sering merasakan seolah-olah ikut hanyut dalam suasana yang diciptakan oleh penyair di dalam puisinya. Ketika penyair mengungkapkan peristiwa yang menyedihkan, kita ikut larut dalam suasana kesedihan. Demikian pula jika penyair mengungkapkan perasaan dendam, kecewa, marah, benci, cinta, bahagia, dan sebagainya.

Ketika penyair mengungkapkan adanya bunyi gemuruh letusan gunung berapi, kita seolah-olah mendengarkan bunyi itu. Ketika penyair menyebutkan benda yang amat mungil, seolah-olah kita melihat benda kecil itu. Ketika penyair menceritakan adanya makanan yang pedas, kita seolah-olah ikut merasakan pedasnya makanan itu. Demikian pula ketika penyair mengungkap hal yang amat panas, gatal, atau yang lainnya. Unsur puisi yang menyebabkan kita ikut merasakan seperti itu disebut citraan.

Citraan adalah gambaran angan yang muncul dibenak pembaca puisi. Setiap gambar dalam pikiran disebut citra atau imaji (image). Wujud gambaran dalam angan itu adalah “sesuatu” yang dapat dilihat, dicium, diraba, dikecap, dan didengar. Akan tetapi, “sesuatu” yang dapat dilihat, diraba, dicium, dikecap, dan didengarkan itu tidak benar-benar ada, hanya dalam angan-angan pembaca atau pendengar. Penyair kondang Chairil Anwar tampak nyata berusaha memunculkan citraan dalam puisinya yang berjudul Sajak Putih di bawah ini.


Bersandar pada tari warna pelangi
Kau depanku bertudung sutra senja
Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati
Harum rambutmu mengalun bergelut senda.

Sepi menyanyi, malam dalam mendoa tiba
meriak muka air kolam jiwa
Dan dalam dadaku memerdu lagu
Menarik menari seluruh aku

Hidup dari hidupku, pintu terbuka
Selama matamu bagiku menengadah

Selama kau darah mengalir dari luka
Antara kita Mati datang tidak membelah….

Dalam bait pertama kita jumpai kata-kata tari warna pelangi / bertudung sutera senja / Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut penyair membawa kita seolah-olah berhadapan langsung dan melihat langsung benda-benda tersebut. Angan kita dibawa untuk melihat apa yang dikemukakan oleh penyair. Di hadapan kita seolah terpapar tari warna pelangi, suatu keindahan yang dilengkapi dengan tudung suteranya, yang dapat kita lihat dan rasakan dengan jelas. Demikian pula semerbak harum kembang mawar dan melati yang digambarkan dengan di kelopak matamu. Gambaran angan yang ditimbulkan melalui indera penglihatan seperti tari warna pelangi, dan indera penciuman yang ditandai dengan hadirnya kembang mawar dan melati seperti itu dikenal dengan istilah citra penglihatan dan citra penciuman.

Pada bait kedua kita jumpai kata-kata: sepi menyanyi, meriak muka air, memerdu lagu. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata tersebut penyair membawa angan kita untuk mendengarkan nyanyian sepi, juga merasakan jiwa yang tiba-tiba bergerak meriak, yang diikuti dengan alunan lagu merdu. Gambar angan yang ditimbulkan oleh kata-kata tersebut berkenaan dengan indera pendengaran. Oleh karena itu, gambaran angan tersebut disebut dengan istilah citra pendengaran.
Banyak cara yang digunakan oleh penyair dalam membangkitkan daya bayang pembaca puisinya. Ada yang mencoba melaui gerbang mata untuk menghasilkan citra penglihatan, ada yang melalui gerbang telinga untuk menghasilkan citra pendengaran, atau gerbang-gerbang indera yang lain. Berkaitan dengan itu, jenis citra yang ditimbulkannya juga bermacam-macam. Beberapa jenis citra yang sering terdapat dalam puisi antara lain: (1) citra penglihatan, (2) citra pendengaran, (3) citra penciuman, (4) citra perabaan, (5) citra pengecapan, (6) citra gerakan, dan citra suhu (panas/dingin). 
Mengapa penyair berusaha menghadirkan citra dalam puisinya? Penyair adalah sastrawan. Cara sastrawan mengungkapkan gagasan berbeda dengan bukan sastrawan. Seseorang yang bukan sastrawan mengemukakan gagasan dengan bahasa yang lugas dan jelas agar gagasannya itu mudah dipahami pembaca. Seorang sastrawan selain mengungkapkan gagasan juga mengungkapkan perasaan. Sastrawan berharap agar pembaca dapat merasakan apa yang dirasakannya. Untuk keperluan itu, sastrawan sering menggunakan bahasa yang tak lazim. Salah satu upaya tak lazim itu adalah pencitraan dalam puisi.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

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Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


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